Important: This is the second most important page of this entire website. You'll need to have read this website before you publish your web pages and show the world.
You don't have to worry about hiring someone to your web page because anything you add to your website automatically belongs to you,
unless of course you copied from someone else's website.
So far as your images and videos are concerned I have a little trick up my sleeve stop people from being able to copy and paste images from my website so that they can use on theirs. This Website Content Protection video will show you what I do to put a road block for thieves.
Make sure you add this to the bottom of all your web pages:
2007 All Rights Reserved.
*Warning: If you copy someone elses website content, you will be in danger of having your website removed from the web, LITERALLY!
Making Monely Online & Paying Taxes
Any money that you make whether it's online of offline must be accounted for. You must pay your taxes people.
It's very important that you understand the importance of paying taxes on every single dime you make online. It's serious!
Don't think that you're invisible just because you make money online.
Most companies that offer you money for you selling their products and services or for advertising their company will require you to fill out a W9 Form.
**WARNING: If a company does not require to fill out a W9 Form, don't trust them.... period.
If you don't want to get in trouble with the IRS, make sure that you're obeying the law.
Duplicate Content Is A Hazardous
You may be one of the many, including me that just don't have the time to sit down and brainstorm about what to write for your website content.
Although free article websites offer you the ability to copy and paste articles in their entirety to your website this is not such a good idea.
Google and other top search engines HATE duplicate content and see your website as a copy cat website... not being original.
Now, this doesn't mean that you have to find the time to write your own website content, but it does mean that if you are going to use free article websites, rewrite the article. Find synonyms to replace some of the words. Come up with your own introduction for the article.
Like I mentioned in another area of this website, you can always outsource this project.
I use to find people to complete projects. It's so easy to do. The Outsource Your Work video demonstrates how easy it is to get started.
Search Engine Optimization Is A Must
Search engine optimization is.
Because this is so important, I created an entire page about search engine optimization.
Do make a website without knowing about search engine optimization because if you do, I can promise you that you will have wished you learned about search engine optimization.